Saturday, 23 April 2011

Thanksss god!!!

Waaaaoooo~~~I havent been opened my blog for about 2 months!
How could I....??It's all becos of my indolence....n also busyness...
 I can't get rid of my indolence!!!ALWAYS~ =D

Suddenly feel likes wanna fly back m'sia instantly...WHY???
Let me tell u why~

Yesterday I saw a status posted by my sis,she said" accompanying mom to hospital,hope she'll be alright."I was shocked by the status...then I called 
my mom immediately n she said she'd told me after c what doctor said...
That is it!!nothing more~I was worried,terrified n so on....I sat in front of 
my laptop n phone,waiting for their calls or something...
After half an hour,my sister sent me a message through fb n she told me 
that mom was alright!!!ahhhhh~~~Thankssss god!!!
Fortunately doctor said it was inflammation!!
That's y I have that impulsion~~~
Haizzz.....hope my planning can go smoothly......

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